Mind Power and Internal Energy Training Courses - Modern Tenaga Dalam and Spiritual USA

Learning mind power, internal energy and spiritual in USA America
Eventhough my training courses location is in Jakarta Indonesia, but you can still learn the modern Tenaga Dalam and the modern Spiritual techniques that I invented. The training courses can be done through voice or video call.

Mind Power and Spiritual Energy Courses - Modern Tenaga Dalam and Spiritual United States of America

Long distance training to learn mind power and spiritual energy can be done through voice or video call.

Learn Mind Power and Spiritual Energy


Training - Modern Tenaga Dalam and Spiritual United States of America

Actually there are no differences between face to face and long distance learning. The long distance training courses will last for 2 hours,  and if you actively throwing questions while studying it will last for 3 hours. And the amount of theories and practises during the courses are the same. Also these courses have high rate of succession.

Spiritual Energy and Mind Power Training Courses USA

Many people think that learning this kind of knowledge is hard if it is done long distance. But that is totally wrong. Many of my students that are originally from abroad (outside Indonesia) learnt this knowledge successfully. I will guide you through voice or video call step by step until you understand fully what you are learn. In the end, learning mind power and internal energy techniques never been this easy.

Internal and Spiritual Energy Training Courses America

My internal and spiritual energy training programs are modern version. I named it Modern Tenaga Dalam and Modern Spiritual. This is the first modern method in Indonesia or even in other countries. I invented the modern method and only I can teach you. My mind power and internal spiritual energy training courses have characteristics:

  • Not using moves 
  • Not using breathing system
  • Not using symbols
  • Not using affirmations
  • No need to consume "magic water" or "magic food"
  • Not involving suggestions and or subconscious mind 
  • No pray method
  • Not using spell
  • There is no energy insertion into the body
  • Not using magical creatures for example spirits, satan, devil, etc
  • No fasting ritual
  • No need to meditate
  • Without restrictions
  • No need to train the skills regularly
  • A person who studies must be succcesful
  • Learning result is permanent and lifelong
  • It only takes 5 to 10 minutes to activate the great power in your body
  • To master a technique you only need 5 to 10 minutes
  • For all men and women, beliefs and religions

Tenaga Dalam and Spiritual Guru



If you interested to learn Modern Tenaga Dalam or Modern Spiritual, please visit these 2 link below.

Modern Tenaga Dalam:



Modern Spiritual:


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Various Mind Power, Internal Energy and Spiritual Articles

You can read various articles about mind power, internal energy and spiritual from the link below. Let's learn together and happy together.